Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Government Grants For Ivf

Whether or not you achieve pregnancy, you must pay for IVF treatment.

When a couple suffers from infertility, they may consider medical treatments such as in vitro fertilization to achieve pregnancy. However, IVF can be very expensive, and most insurance policies won't cover the cost. Though the government doesn't typically offer grants for IVF treatment, some non-profit organizations, that often receive funding from the government, may provide grant assistance for the treatment.


In a traditional pregnancy, an egg and sperm meet inside the woman's body and implant into the lining of the uterus. However, in an IVF procedure, medical technicians join the egg and the sperm outside of the body in a laboratory and introduce the embryo into the woman's uterus after it has matured for several days. To increase the chances of pregnancy, most IVF procedures involve multiple embryos.


Depending on the specifics of the procedures, the cost of most IVF treatments range from $10,000 to $20,000. Procedures involving more complex techniques, such as the use of frozen eggs, intracytoplasmic sperm injection or assisted hatching, typically cost more. Some clinics have a set price for each IVF attempt, while others offer a package including multiple attempts with a rebate available if one of the earlier attempts is successful.

Available Grants

One available IVF grant is the Fertile Dreams Scholarship, which provides selected applicants with $10,000 to use toward IVF treatments. The program considers financial need when selecting grant recipients, and applicants can't have an insurance policy that covers fertility treatments. This program also sponsors the Embracing Hope grant for infertile couples. Another available program is the InterNational Council for Infertility Information Dissemination program, which provides chosen applicants who raise $3,000 with free IVF treatment from one of several affiliated clinics. Finally, the Tinina Q. Cade Foundation supplies $10,000 grants to qualifying couples to use for adoption or IVF treatment.


Most programs award grants to heterosexual couples with a history of infertility, no children and limited income. If you receive a grant from one of these programs, the program may require you to sign a release that allows it to use your story for promotional purposes. If the cost of your IVF procedure exceeds the value of the grant, you must pay the remainder of the cost.

Tags: achieve pregnancy, which provides