Friday, March 6, 2015

Create A White Tiger Habitat

White tiger swimming in a pool.

When creating a habitat for a wild animal, it's important to make the surroundings as natural as possible so the animal does not feel like it's in captivity. White tigers need plenty of space, because they are accustomed to having a territory ranging from 10 to 30 miles.


Create a White Tiger Habitat

1. Determine how much area you have to create the habitat. There should be enough room to grow trees and build a pond. White tigers need enough room for exercise. Also account for a separate feeding area.

2. Install steel fencing around the habitat to ensure that the white tigers will not escape. Concrete may be necessary. The separate feeding room should be designed so there are two sliding doors that lock. This will allow you to place the food in the room without the tigers being present. When you have safely left the room, you can close your door and open the other door to let the tigers in the feeding room.

3. Plant tall grass and trees. The white tigers' fur coat is designed to camouflage them when they are in tall grass. Also tigers enjoy shade under the trees.

4. Place rocks and logs intermittently throughout the habitat and build certain areas higher than others to simulate mountain terrain. This will help create a more natural setting that is not boring for the tiger.

5. Dig a five foot pond or pool for the tiger to exercise and play in. If space allows, waterfall or fountains would be ideal.

6. Purchase toys for the tigers, such as large balls that they can play with in the pond or pool.

Tags: Create White, Create White Tiger, enough room, feeding room, pond pool, separate feeding