Thursday, June 18, 2015

Give Fish As Wedding Favors

Opt for stones or marbles that match your wedding-theme colors.

Easy-care tropical fish such as betta or goldfish make excellent wedding favors your guests can enjoy significantly longer than food or flowers. Fish in decorative bowls can also double as table centerpieces while allowing guests to decide for themselves whether or not to take the fish home. As with any pet, some responsibility comes with owning a fish. However, when you provide your guests with simple instructions, you can make the gift of a tropical fish much more appealing.


1. Goldfish can live together, but betta fish must live separately as they will fight.

Fill glass bowls with tepid water two inches from the rim of each bowl. Place one or two drops of water conditioner in each bowl to remove chlorine and any impurities that may harm the fish. Rinse the decorative rocks or marbles under running water and measure one or two cups of rocks for each bowl. Pour the rocks or marbles into the bowls for decoration.

2. Bamboo stalks provide a natural habitat for fish as roots grow under water.

Rinse bamboo stalks under tepid water. Place one lucky bamboo stalk in each bowl. The stalks provide a decorative water plant as well as a hiding shelter for fish.

3. Betta fish are from Thailand, Malaysia and Cambodia.

Gently place one betta fish in each bowl. Male betta fish are extremely colorful, which makes them a popular choice as pets. However, male bettas, also known as Siamese fighting fish, typically fight to the death and therefore should not inhabit the same bowl. If you're giving goldfish, you may safely choose to place two fish in each bowl. Allow the fish to acclimate for two hours before feeding them.

4. Goldfish typically surpass the five-year betta fish life span.

Feed the betta or goldfish one flake of food after two to three hours of acclimation. Place the bowls of fish on the wedding tables for elegant centerpieces and inform guests they may take the fish home as favors.

5. Write care instructions on note cards and place a card next to a bowl on each table. Recommend a weekly water change with water conditioner additive as well as a small daily pinch of food flakes for gold fish. Recommend the same instructions for betta fish and add an option for feeding betta fish a small pinch of dried worm once a week for color enhancement. (Dried worms are nutrient rich and come in small servings resembling bits of dirt.)

Tags: betta fish, each bowl, betta goldfish, fish each, fish each bowl, fish home, rocks marbles