Auto sales by owner are in a separate Craigslist category.
If you want to sell your car, a posting on Craigslist might do the trick. A Craigslist ad attracts buyers in your area and best of all -- it's free. There are no posting fees or final value fees associated with placing a Craigslist ad; just type up an ad and let it run for however long it takes to sell you car. With Craigslist's for-sale form, you can have an ad up and running in minutes.
1. Navigate to the Craigslist website. If you have visited the site before, you may be taken to the home page for your city. If not, click your city from the list.
2. Click "post to classifieds" at the top left of the page.
3. Log into your account. If you don't have an account, click "sign up for an account" and follow the instructions to register.
4. Click the "For sale" radio button and then click the "cars & trucks - by owner" radio button.
5. Type a title for your ad in the "Posting Title" text box. Many users search only by titles, so make sure your title states the type of car you are selling and a few details. For example, you might type "1999 Honda Civic, automatic, excellent condition!"
6. Type your email address in the "Reply to" text box. Re-enter your email in the second box.
7. Type a description for your car in the "Posting Description" text box.
8. Click the "Add / Edit Images" button and then browse for images on your computer. You can add up to four optional pictures.
9. Press the "Continue" button to review your ad and then click the "Continue" button again.
10. Fill out the captcha form to finalize the post.
Tags: button then, Continue button, radio button, then click, your city, your email