Craigslist can be a great tool for finding deals on exercise equipment.
The Internet provides innovative means for people around the world to connect with one another. Craigslist, a centralized online community and provider of free online classified ads, allows you to advertise and search for services and merchandise, including exercise equipment.
1. Visit Use the menu on the right side of the web page to choose the correct city in which you would like to find a treadmill. Remember, most sellers on are not willing to ship items, they expect that you will be able to pick up the item.
2. Scroll down to the section titled "for sale" and click on the "sporting" link. This takes you to all of the listings for sporting goods.
3. Type the item name you are hoping to buy in the search box. If you do not know exactly the type of treadmill you are interested in simply type "treadmill." In the price minimum and maximum boxes, type the range you are willing to pay.
4. Browse through the available search results. If there are too many options, consider using a tighter price range or clicking one of the city regions tabs at the top, if available, for the best location.
5. Click on the "Reply to" email address listed at the top of the listing. Include your contact information. Be prompt in any communication with the seller so that you do not lose the item to another buyer.
Tags: exercise equipment, type treadmill