Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Get A Job With Nasar'S Mounted Search And Rescue

NASAR's mounted search and rescue teams search for missing people by using horses as their primary means of transportation. These teams also search for individuals who might be injured or trapped. In order to join one of NASAR's units, you and your horse must meet certain criteria.


1. Locate a team in your area. There are mounted search and rescue teams in many cities and counties all over the United States. You can find a team by checking with local fire departments, police departments and rescue squads.

2. Own a horse, as many teams will require you to have an appropriate horse in order to perform the search and rescue missions. Some teams also use search dogs on their searches. Find out which animals are required for joining the team in your area.

3. Submit an application and undergo a training session. Mounted search and rescue teams have required training periods for the rider and the horse, which may last for several months. You and your horse must successfully pass the training and get Mounted Search and Rescue Team Standard Certification.

4. Train horses to pick up on scents. Your horse must be trained to pick up on human scent. This is the key component in search and rescue missions.

5. Develop skills to use in your searches. You will need to have excellent land-navigation, survival and first-aid skills.

6. Get and carry appropriate equipment at all times. Riders must always have radios with them to use for communicating with other team members and local law enforcement. Also, you must carry a first-aid kit.

Tags: horse must, rescue teams, search rescue, search rescue teams, also search