Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Arcadia National Park Pet Policy

Pets are allowed in the Acadia National Park in Maine under some conditions.

Located on a group of islands off the coast of Maine, Acadia National Park allows visitors to bring pets to certain areas of the park with some restrictions outlined in the park's pet policy. Acadia National Park offers hiking trails, 100 miles of which are open to pets, carriage roads for biking, 45 miles of which are open to pets, boat cruises and camping. Pets are allowed in the Blackwoods and Seawall Campgrounds. Service pets are exempt from the pet policy.

Pet Leashes Required

Pets brought to Acadia National Park must be on a leash at all times while in the park. The park's pet policy requires the pet to be on a leash that is six feet long or less. The leash policy protects the wildlife and plants in the park and prevents the pet from being lost or coming in contact with dangerous or potentially sick or rabid animals.

Pet Waste Rules

The Acadia National Park pet policy requires visitors to pick up their pet's waste in developed areas, including roads, parking lots and picnic areas. In the Blackwoods and Seawall Campgrounds, all waste within the campground loops must be removed. In all other campgrounds, waste must be picked up within 200 feet of the established camp sites.

Pet Swimming Policy

Park policy allows pets to swim in certain areas only during the summer months. Pets can swim only in the water at Sand Beach and in Echo Lake between May 15 and September 15. Swimming in these areas at any other time is prohibited. Swimming in all other lakes at any time is prohibited for pets, as well as people.

Areas Restricted to Pets

Although pets are allowed in many areas of Acadia National Park, pet policy prohibits pets in certain areas. Pets cannot enter public buildings or accompany visitors during programs led by park rangers. The Wild Gardens of Acadia at Sieur du Monts and the Duck Harbor Campgrounds on the Isle au Haut is off-limits to pets, although pets can be on the hiking trails on the Isle au Haut during the day. Finally, pets are prohibited from accompanying hikers on the following trails: Precipice, Beehive, Ladder Trail to Dorr Mountain, Beach Cliffs Trail, Perpendicular Trail and Jordan Cliffs Trail between Penobscot East Trail and the carriage road.

Pet Safety Considerations

Owners are responsible for the pet's safety in the park. Pets should never be left alone and should never be left alone in a vehicle. Summer temperatures can reach up to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, which can make the inside of a car reach 100 degrees in just 10 minutes. Even on a cooler day, the temperature inside of a parked vehicle can still reach a high enough level to harm animals.

Dog Sledding Policy

Park policy allows sports involving dogs, such as dog-sledding and the use of dog carts, on closed motor roads within the park under certain conditions but not on carriage roads. The sleds or carts can have at most four dogs pulling them on a line at a distance of 12 feet or fewer. Sleds must have brakes and in the winter, a snow hook.

Tags: National Park, Acadia National, Acadia National Park, Park policy, certain areas, Blackwoods Seawall, Blackwoods Seawall Campgrounds