Monday, September 21, 2015

Become A Fema Blue Tarp Contractor

FEMA always needs blue tarp contractors.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency helps people, towns and cities rebuild after a natural disaster. Rebuilding isn't easy and FEMA needs experienced blue tarp contractors to cover roofs temporarily, preventing further water damage. With natural disasters occurring often, becoming a FEMA blue tarp contractor not only may make financial sense for your household, but it's one way to serve your country.


1. Get a federal Tax Identification Number from the United States Internal Revenue Service. According to the FEMA central contractors registration guide, sole proprietorship blue tarp contractors may use a social security number instead of a tax ID.

2. Have a business address. Before blue tarp contractors can register their business, they must have a valid business address. If this address doesn't receive mail, a P.O. Box is needed.

3. Get a Data Universal Numbering System number from the commercial D&B company. A DUNS number is required for each physical business location and may be obtained from the company's website. According to the FEMA central contractors registration guide, requests are fulfilled in approximately 24 hours.

4. Go to FEMA's central contractors registration homepage and complete the application. A legal business name, business address, tax ID number, business founding date and number of employees are some of the items required for registration. Registration for a blue tarp contractor takes about three to five business days to process.

Tags: blue tarp, blue tarp contractors, tarp contractors, business address, central contractors