Want to start selling on Craigslist? Craigslist.org can be a great place to sell things in your area. This internet classified website also allows you to cut expenses and time wasted on shipping costs. All it takes to list and sell merchandise on Criagslist is a computer and a little know how. Here is a quick guide on sell stuff on Craigslist for free.
1. Sign up for a free account with Craigslist. This can be done by heading to Craigslist.org. All you need is a valid email account, which you will be asked to verify before you are permitted to list items.
2. Take a picture of your item for sale. Listings with pictures sell a lot faster than ones without. Upload the picture onto your computer in an acceptable format (Jpeg).
3. Create your listing (posting) of your product. You will need to include a product description, quantity, title, contact information, and location. After the written part is done, upload your photo to your posting.
4. Post your listing. After your listing is reviewed, it will be posted within apx. 15 minutes on the site. Sometimes Craigslist will ask you to confirm through your email before a listing is posted. Make sure to save this email so you can delete your post later.
5. Delete your post by clicking on "edit/delete" in your confirmation email after your product has sold. All posts will automatically be deleted in 30 days.
Tags: your listing, delete your, your post, your product