Thursday, May 14, 2015

What Is A Safe Way To Kill Fleas On A Dog

Fleas can be a dog's worst nightmare.

A dog with fleas is a problem to the pet and pet owner. The dog will scratch himself silly without achieving much relief. Fleas can originate from other animals or can be found at dog parks, household furniture or carpets. Herbal products, flea-repellent collars and natural shampoos are some of the products used to prevent or remove fleas while keeping your pet safe.


1. Examine your animal for fleas. Separate the hair on your pet's flank or back area. Look at your dog's skin to determine if your dog has fleas. You may see a flea moving but most likely you'll find flea dirt, or feces, on your pet's skin. This flea dirt appears as black pebbles. Take wet paper towels and wipe the dirt off of your pet. If it dissolves and turns red on your paper towel, your dog has fleas.

2. The best way to treat a flea problem is for your dog to never get them in the first place. You can use a common vegetable straight from the garden: garlic. Take a clove of garlic and grind it. Mix the garlic in your dog's meal daily as the vegetable possesses a chemical to repel fleas.

3. Go to the health food store and purchase a natural supplement to battle your pet's flea problem. Purchase black walnut hulls that come in a capsule form. They repel fleas but also mosquitoes and ticks. Add the capsule to a spoonful of peanut butter when feeding the dog. This naturally remedy takes approximately four to six weeks for the dogs to process and to take full effect.

4. Purchase a herbal shampoo at a local pet store. The shampoo includes lavender, eucalyptus, juniper or rosemary. Lather your dog's head and neck first as fleas normally head for the driest area on your pet's body. The lather prevents the fleas from relocating to your pet's head and will kill them. Wet and lather the rest of your dog's body. Leave the shampoo on your dog's body for 15 minutes to get maximum results. Rinse off and dry your dog.

5. Place a herbal flea collar on your pet. The scent drives fleas away. Check with your veterinarian to ensure that herbal collars are safe for your pet.

Tags: your body, flea dirt, flea problem, repel fleas, your fleas, your head