Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Create Adoption Baby Shower Games

The host of a baby shower always feels like the games are one of the most important parts. The games get people laughing and talking, and can make the party more memorable. However, when you host an adoption party, it’s harder to find preprinted games. In addition, if the new mom is adopting an older child, than playing games with baby food and measuring her belly aren’t appropriate. Adoption shower games work well when the host plans some creative games that celebrate adoption and family life, and don’t focus on giving birth, newborns and pregnancy. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Use a word processing program and create some printed adoption shower games. If the mom is adopting internationally, a good game is writing down the word baby in all different languages and having the guests match up the word with the language. Put the different ways to say baby, such as bebe and bambino, on one side and then the language list on the other side and have guests draw lines to match them up.

2. Create a “Who Has Adopted?” game by researching current and late celebrities who have adopted. You can do two things with this game. Write down a list of people, some who have adopted and others who haven’t, and have guests write “yes” or “no” next to the names, guessing who has or hasn’t adopted. You can also write down the names of people who have adopted with a multiple-choice list of countries and guests have to guess from where the celebrities adopted their kids.

3. Get some pens and paper plates. Have guests put the plates behind their backs or on their heads. Instruct them to draw the best portrait they can of the new mom’s child. Line the plates up and let the new mom pick which portrait looks the best.

4. Give each guest a paper with the name of the child and the state or country where the adoption took place. Have them write down as many words as they can from the letters of the child’s name and birthplace.

5. Have each guest bring one item useful for the new mom and her child. This game works well for an adoption shower for an older child. Put all the items on a tray and let the guests and the new mom look at it for two minutes. Remove the tray and give guests one minute to write down what they remember being on the tray. Give the new mom all the items after the game.

Tags: have adopted, each guest, have guests, older child, shower games