Friday, May 15, 2015

Housebreak An Adult Dog

Did you just buy or adopt an older dog and it is going to the bathroom indoors? There are two main reasons why your dog is not housebroken. Either the dog has never been trained or it has undergone significant, stressful changes throughout its life. This stress causes the dog to start going to the bathroom indoors again. The following steps will teach you housebreak your dog.


1. Generally, dogs go to the bathroom after they wake up in the morning, about 30 minutes to an hour after they eat and right before bed. These are the main times to keep in mind to start housebreaking your dog.

2. Start by taking your dog out regularly during the key times mentioned above. If your yard is enclosed, lead the pet and go outside with it without a leash. After your dog goes to the bathroom, praise it and use a common phrase, such as "Good potty." Your pet will learn to associate that phrase with the action. Give your dog a treat while praising it.

3. While in the house, don't let your dog out of your sight, and keep it as near as possible. Close all bedroom, bathroom and any other doors to limit access around the house. Supervision allows you to watch for any signs--mainly sniffing--that your dog has to go to the bathroom. If your dog starts sniffing, take it out for at least 10 minutes and repeat your key phrase a few times. If your dog goes, praise it and give a treat.

4. Any time your dog does not go after 10 or 15 minutes of being taken out, bring it back in. Take the dog back out about 20 minutes later.

5. Establish a feeding schedule. Dogs only need to be fed once or twice a day--usually in the morning and afternoon. Set out a bowl of food for about 15 or 20 minutes during these times and let the pet eat. If your dog does not eat after this time, do not feel guilty about picking it up. This will help your dog learn a feeding schedule, which in turn will regulate the bathroom times. Always leave water out, though. An important fact about feeding your dog is not to change its brand of food abruptly or give too many treats or table food. Doing so may cause diarrhea.

6. In the event your dog does go to the bathroom in the house, there are right and wrong ways to correct it. When you catch your dog in the act, make a sudden loud clap to interrupt it and take it outside. Dogs usually stop going to the bathroom when startled. If you find a soiled spot after your dog has already gone, do not punish it before cleaning the mess. Your dog will not associate that to his mess after it has already made one. It will just make your dog grow fearful of you.

7. Crate your dog when leaving it home alone and take it out when you return.

8. Repeat the above process daily and be consistent with it. Consistency is vital.

Tags: about minutes, going bathroom, your does, after they, associate that