Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Care For Baby Zoo Animals

Care for Baby Zoo Animals

Everyone loves going to the zoo to see animals up close, and one of the more popular attractions is seeing a baby animal up close. Whenever possible, zoos choose for the mother animal to care for their babies. However, sometimes mother animals are unable to care for their babies and zookeepers must step in to care for baby zoo animals.


1. Learn everything you can about the animals in your care. Check out books and talk to experts about the species and care needed.

2. Handle baby zoo animals with care. For instance, animals who normally live in a mother's pouch feel more secure when wrapped in a blanket. Too much handling or human contact may cause baby animals to have a setback, so contact with humans may be limited to a special few.

3. Create an environment that provides everything a baby animals needs in warmth, lighting and quiet. Most baby animals, including recently born birds, need warmth. When holding a baby animal, your body heat can warm up a chilled animal. Learn the best type of sleeping place for the animal. For example, birds need a cup shaped home.

4. Observe a baby animal's behavior to understand its likes and dislikes. Although research is helpful, animals can be as unique as humans can. Find out what things they like and include that in their environment or day-to-day care.

5. Feed baby zoo animals small amounts of the right kind of food often. Most baby animals need moist foods to get the liquid they need. For some, this is dog kibble soaked in hot water or baby cereal. You'll find the best food during your research, but also through observation. Make note of favorite foods, and always provide clean, fresh water.

6. Keep records about a zoo animal's health, including diet, size and behavior. Record keeping is an important part of caring for zoo animals.

7. Clean up a zoo animal's area. This is often the least favorite part of the job, but it's necessary to clean up the urine and poop.

Tags: baby animals, baby animal, baby animals, birds need, Care Baby, Care Baby Animals, care their