Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Average Starting Salary For An Animal Behaviorist

Animal behaviorists observe how animals raise their young.

Animal behaviorists study everything from single-celled organisms and invertebrates to fish, birds, reptiles and mammals. The annual income of individuals in this industry depends upon several factors.


Animal behaviorists study how their subjects find and protect food and territory, steer clear of predators, communicate and reproduce.


The purpose of studying animal behavior is to learn how an animal's environment effects reactions, growth, adaptation and development of the breed or species. Animal behaviorists also try to distinguish between genetic reactions and those stemming from learned experiences.


Generally a bachelor's degree is sufficient, but many animal behaviorist positions require a master's degree or Ph.D. Most behaviorists studied in one of four areas: ethology, comparative psychology, behavioral ecology or anthropology.


Animal behaviorists can obtain careers in a number of industries, such as research institutes (government or privately owned), teaching in a university, zoos, aquariums or museums.


The average starting salary for an animal behaviorist depends upon what industry the position is in and education background. Generally, starting salary in an entry level position ranges from $18,000 to $35,000 per year. Administrative position within the industry can earn up to $90,000 annually.

Tags: Animal behaviorists, animal behaviorist, Animal behaviorists study, behaviorists study, depends upon, starting salary