Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Raise English Setter Puppies

English setters are a friendly, affectionate breed of dog. They were bred for athleticism and endurance as hunting dogs, so require a lot of exercise. They can be stubborn and overly playful, but are almost always fit for families who have lots of time and attention to give. English setters get along with most people, and are easy to raise with the right rules.


1. Purchase your English setter puppy. This breed can live in an apartment, but they're better suited to houses with yards. For a high-quality English setter puppy, contact breeders and get a pedigreed puppy. Have your puppy vaccinated, and always keep up to date with its shots.

2. English setter puppies require a lot of exercise. Take your puppy out to the yard or park at least once a day, for games of catch and lots of running. This will keep the puppy healthy, and will also make it easier to manage indoors and when it's time for bed.

3. Leash train English setter puppies at an early age. The English setter should be able to walk on a leash, heel and come with you when you're walking. For help with leash training, check for classes at local pet stores. On days you can't let your puppy out to run free, take it for several brisks walks to keep up with its exercise.

4. House train your English setter puppy using a crate. Keep it in its crate while it is sleeping, and take it outside immediately in the morning to go to the bathroom. Reward the puppy for going to the bathroom outside with a treat or lots of praise. Any time you leave the house, put the puppy in its crate or leave it with access to the yard. This way the puppy will learn not to go to the bathroom in the house.

5. Train your English setter puppy to accept grooming. English setters have long coats that require regular brushing and occasional bathing. Your puppy will be more comfortable during a lifetime of grooming if you train it early. Always check for burrs and tangles in the coat, and trim the hair around the puppy's feet. You should also train the puppy to have its nails trimmed.

6. Take your puppy to obedience training classes. English setters are high-energy dogs, so learning obedience commands will be good for both you and the puppy.

Tags: English setter, English setter puppy, English setters, setter puppy, your puppy, your English