Thursday, February 19, 2015

Write A Sample Contract

You can create a sample contract on your own without a lawyer.

If you are entering an agreement to rent something, or are working for a person or a company, it is a good idea to write and sign a contract. You do not need a professional lawyer to write a good contract - in fact, you can write your own sample contract in a few minutes. You want to type the contract and ensure it contains a few basic elements for it to be a legally binding document.


1. Use a computer or typewriter to create the contract. Do not write any portion of the contract by hand except for the signatures, as your penmanship may be difficult to read or easy to change later. At the top of the contract, include your name or the name of your company, your address and the date. Below this information, include the name of the person or company with whom you are entering into the agreement.

2. Include a paragraph under the headers that states basic information about the contract. This includes a sentence written as "This contract entered on DAY, MONTH, YEAR, is for" followed by a general statement of the agreement. For example, write it as "This contract entered on June 25, 2011, is for a one-year lease of the property located at 123 Elm Street."

3. Follow the introductory paragraph with a sentence such as "We agree to the terms as follows:" Enter the particulars of the contract. Be as specific as possible, including information and numbers such as rate of pay and expected hours, products for a job, or number of months for a lease and amount of rent to be paid. Use terms such as employer, employee, renter or owner to specify parties.

4. Create two lines at the bottom of the page for the signatures. Below each line, type the name and title of each person signing the contract. For example, if it is a lease, have one line with "Jim Smith, Tenant" and another line with "John Doe, Owner."

5. Proofread the document to verify there are no errors and the terms are correct. Print out two copies of the contract when it's finished, and have both parties sign both copies. Give one copy to each party.

Tags: contract entered, line with, person company, sample contract, This contract, This contract entered