Finding a birth parent is not always possible when searching for your adoption records.
Children who move as a result of an interstate adoption may end up far away from their birth state. In most cases, the procedure to obtain birth records after an interstate adoption are the same as obtaining records from an intrastate adoption. As there are no federal rules and regulations that govern the release of adoption records, you must ensure that you are aware of each state's laws.
1. Gather information about the adoption. Talk to your adoptive parents and others involved in the adoption. Determine what adoption agency was used, where you were born and in which state the adoption took place. In most cases, adoption records are kept on file in the state and locality where the adoption took place.
2. Contact the adoption agency, which often has information that can aid you in your search. If you are unable to determine where the adoption took place, the agency should be able to assist you. In some cases, the agency may have contact information for a birth parent or be able to provide some of the information found in your adoption record.
3. Research state laws. Each state has its own laws regarding who can access information in the adoption record. States often require adopted children to reach adulthood before they may request adoption records. Most states issue non-identifying information, such as birth parent medical records, physical descriptions and the reason for adoption upon request or through a court order. Some states will release identifying information or the original birth certificate.
4. Request information from your adoption record. Follow state laws to request information. You may need to file a petition with the court that handled your adoption or wait for a birth parent to grant a release of information. Though not necessary, you may wish to hire a lawyer to help file a court petition.
5. Hire a professional. If you are unable to determine where your adoption took place or need help obtaining adoption records from a far away state, consider hiring a professional investigator to help. Select a searcher who has experience with adoptions and is located near the area where your adoption took place.
Tags: your adoption, adoption took, adoption took place, took place, adoption records, birth parent, state laws